Starting with paragraph 4. Ms Furfie was sitting in the back of the room during the hearing on 3 August, and heard the exchange that took place regarding the statement Ms Furfie alleges she dutifully recorded from the complainant, Warren Frederick Dickie.
This exchange can be read at this link to the second part of the transcript of the hearing. Page 13 onwards is of particular interest, and from page 23 onwards it becomes extremely interesting indeed.
Mr Mihaka's Maori agent pointed out that the policies and procedures of Housing New Zealand Corporation clearly document the processes to be followed, starting with taking a detailed written statement from the complainant and recording it on a "T-463 incident summary form or on a note pad if you do not have a form with you.":

When Mr Mihaka's Maori agent raised this, and pointed out that we'd never seen any statement from Dickie - apart from the slanderous and defamatory one we recently acquired from Police (see the transcript), the Tribunal made the extraordinary comment that if everyone followed policy we'd never get anything done - like evicting cheeky darkies from their homes for example:
We asked Housing New Zealand Corporation, and their solicitors, for a copy of the statement that Kathy Furfie alleges she received - and was supposed to have recorded - from Warren Frederick Dickie - we've asked for it repeatedly, as well as the identity of the Police officer who Housing NZ Corporation allege told them the defamatory lies about Mr Mihaka's alleged drug use etc. The requests have been repeatedly ignored or refused, and Kathy Furfie is coming dangerously close to committing perjury as defined in the Crimes Act, as are other parties who have knowingly provided other false information to Courts and Tribunals regarding this matter.
Police have categorically denied the allegations of HNZC, and it is clear that Kathy Furfie's claims to have visited Dickie and recorded a statement of complaint from him as claimed in her briefs of evidence is an orchestrated litany of lies and half truths. HNZC staff have simply engaged in a series of breaches of privacy and slanderous and defamatory little gossip sessions!