What a joke. Mr Mihaka is seventy five years old. He tried to submit his own complaint on the IPCA website but had difficulty doing so, and there is no good reason why his appointed Maori agent should not submit a complaint on his behalf, supported by indisputable and compelling evidence.
Evidence such as a letter from Mr Mihaka's doctors regarding the actions of Police, stating:
"This gentleman is seventy four years old and had a number of medical problems.We will be applying to have this decision judicially reviewed - and what a waste of time and money! Kathy Irvine is a cheat, who twists the truth and makes up the rules as she goes along, paid to lie, and fob people off, like many of the staff at the IPCA, and other so called 'investigative bodies' - they are NOT 'investigative' at all, they're object and aim and full intent is to cover up for incompetence and corruption - tax payer funded incompetence and corruption.
I am unclear of the recent circumstances surrounding the night he spent on a road in his car near National Park village, but regard it as inappropriate that any person of seventy four years old should, of necessity, sleep in a car on that stretch of road at that time of year."
And defamation, and slander. Click on the link to view the letter from lawyer Nathan Bourke to Police spelling it out.
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